This is a test-system!
Do not use for real polls/elections!


Bad Hausen

Poll ends in 114 Days 16 Hours 23 Minutes

You voted!

On 2024-07-30 at 15:44 you cast your vote.
After the poll closes, you can download information from this site which enables you to validate the poll results.


Niklas Weber

Tochter in 3a

Susanne Schnell

Sohn in 1a

Frank Klotz

Tochter in 4a

Sonja Tützka

Söhne in 3b und 4a

Nicole Michels

Tochter in 2c

Hans Maier

Sohn in 1b


Statistics are updated every 30 minutes.

Total number of voters

Voter turnout %

Voter turnout by group/class %

Poll Information

  • The poll started 2021-01-08 at 10:59 o'clock.
  • The poll close time will be on the 2024-12-31 at 23:00 o'clock.